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How To Make Money On TikTok Without Posting


Staff member
Mar 27, 2022
I know this sounds too good to be true and yes it kinda is… but don’t leave just yet.

So I found this out a little recently. If you’ve been on TikTok recently you will see a small handful of people streaming interactive games on TikTok and the only way to interact with these games as a viewer is to gift to the host of the stream. I’ve seen streamers get over 500 coins gifted to them back to back to back without having a big following. For reference 500 coins = $5 and TikTok takes a 50% cut so you’ll get $2.50 for every 500 coins. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot but you’re doing literally nothing.


  • A TikTok Account duh
  • 1000 followers (you can buy them on a panel)
  • Phone
  • Computer
Method 1:
Once you have your 1000 followers you’ll be able to go live on TikTok and have gifting enabled on your stream. Once your able to stream you’ll want to go on streamdps . com and pick which interactive TikTok game you’ll like to stream. Setup your account on streamdps (noob friendly site) and connect it to you TikTok account. Once you have your game setup all you have to do is prop up your phone and livestream the game.

Method 2:
Do the same exact things as method 1 but don’t use your phone to livestream your game. Go onto your TikTok account on your computer. Once you’re logged in go to the homepage of your TikTok. You’re going to see the “LIVE” button and another button that says “GO LIVE” if you don’t have the button to “GO LIVE” skip this method and stick to Method 1(The reason you don’t have this button is because TikTok randomly chooses who gets a streamkey to be able to stream off there computer and you’ll just have to wait and get one). Once you hit “GO LIVE” copy and paste your serve address and streamkey (DONT GIVE ANYONE YOUR STREAMKEY) Now download obs and run the application. Look up how to Stream TikTok with obs on YouTube. Once you have your obs set up watch this video:

And now just hit start stream and tada

Method 3:
Look up how to play a looped video on obs
Find a live TikTok of someone follow spreeing his fans and asking for 500 coins to be followed back by the whole livestream. Screen record their lives and edit to make it seem like yours then put it in obs as a loop and start streaming to your TikTok account

These methods do work since the TikTok live algorithm is very generous

Also please leave a reply if I didn’t make sense, I kinda made this in a rush

These methods are super untapped at the moment so if you can grow your account based on your livestreams you’ll be golden

I’ve seen accounts with only 3000 followers,2 videos, 300 likes racking in 500 coins every few minutes.

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