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10 Ways on How to Earn Money Online in India


Staff member
Mar 27, 2022
How to make money online in india

Google AdSense​

It is one of the easiest ways on how to make money online in India from home without any initial investment. What do you need? Blog, website, or YouTube channel.

It is an advertising program, for which you can register for free. Once registered you will get a code that you can add to your website.

How it works-

  • Select the ad you want on your website,
  • Chose where you want adds to appear,
  • Watch the highest paying ads to go live,
  • Leave the money stuff to

There is no upkeep or maintenance to get this thing going, which makes it a no-brainer if you have a website already. How much you can earn?

Google pays out 68% of their AdSense revenues, so for every $100 an advertiser pays, google pays $68 to its publishers. So you can earn a decent amount of money depending on the traffic.

I think paying out 68% of revenues is huge, think about it,

Fact: Google pays over 10B to its publishers every year.

For more details on

Affiliate Marketing​

It is like running a retail shop. The difference here is, the products you are selling are not your own. So, if you are learning how to make money online in India selling products, services and you don’t even need to own them.

What do you need? If you have a website or trying to figure out an idea for a blog, or just need to learn how to make money online in India from home with the help of your mobile, then you are good to go.

It sounds awesome, Isn’t it? So how does it work:

  • Partner with brands and business-like, Amazon, Flipkart, or any company related to your websites, etc.
  • Most business-like Amazon, Flipcharts has their own websites from where you can apply for affiliate marketing for free.
  • From there, you will get a link to the product.
  • You need to share the link and whenever someone purchases the product using your link you get paid.
  • For sharing the link you can use any social media platforms, websites, etc.

So, you can make a good amount of money ranging from $300per day to $3000 per day. My sister is a great affiliate marketer, she does it using different social media platforms and earns around Rs.25000 to Rs. 30000 every month. She is a student hence time is of utmost importance for her, she spends no more than 2hr of her day for this work.


If you have the skills like writing/journalism, programming, development, designing, marketing, etc. (There are 100s of options) then you are good to go.

  • Choose an , the most famous ones are Freelancer, Fiverr.
  • Create your account for free.
  • Search for the projects related to your skills and do the bidding.
  • Complete the projects and get paid.

The only thing required is skills and how you market them.

Online Tutoring​

Anyone with a specialized interest in any subject matter can be a tutor online.

  • You can use platforms like Zoom, Skype, etc for live tutoring.
  • You can register with companies like for online tutoring.
  • You can also record and model your course and sell or rent it on various websites like Udemy etc.

On average online tutors earn $30 to $40 per hour.


People are making millions using YouTube. There are tons of YouTube channels on any topic, you can think of.

If you are a gamer, if you are a singer, if you are foody, if you like watching movies or shows, if you have any kind of interests, you are welcome and ready to earn money online through YouTube.

How to make money online in India? It all depends upon how much traffic you can attract. But don’t worry, you can even make money using the platform’s ad or by getting sponsored posts.

Youtubers earning more than $100,000 rose by 40%, and earning five figures rose by 50% in the past three years.

Selling with online platforms​

This is one of the most growing fields, everyone loves doing online shopping nowadays.

  • Retailers and distributors can earn money online by registering with the online shopping platform like and Amazon and Flipkart and sell their products online.
  • Not only retailers, but Artisans can also sell their arts online removing the scope of the middle man from between.
  • People can even sell their services like repair & maintenance, home cleaning, etc online, using platforms like Urbanclap, etc.

I have practically seen a real-life example, my uncle has a Saree store, but 2 years back he also started selling online, his sales have increased by 30%.

Selling through the online medium has increased the income of sellers, on average sales have gone up by 30-40%.

Social Media​

It is one of the fun ways among how to make money online in India.

This is no joke, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. have very high earning potential.

There are people who charge more than Rs. 15,000 for just one post or tweet.

  • The main asset is the social media fan base, i.e. number of followers.
  • Basically, companies are willing to pay social media influencers to promote their product and services.
  • Social media is also used as a platform to sell products, there are many pages present on Instagram and Facebook for the same.
  • You can even use it for educational purposes, creating profiles with specific topics like web development, designing, machine learning, or even cooking recipes, etc.

Go have fun and make money.

Learn Stock Market Trading​

Unlike other ways of how to make money online in India, for trading, you need some money to start with.

  • You can earn money online by doing stock trading if you know the right stock to pick.
  • There are various YouTube channels, other resources available online to learn and understand the concepts of trading.
  • One of the best ways to start learning and trading is to register on Zerodha which is India’s biggest stockbroker service.
  • Varsity by Zerodha is one of the good resources to learn to trade.

This is a way in which people can earn millions.

This is my personal favorite, my dad and I ourselves do it, and we are able to make at least 10lakhs every year.

As the most successful investors Warren Buffet once said-

“I made my first investment at age eleven. I was wasting my life up until then.”

But be aware this is also a way, through which people lose millions, it is all about choosing the right stock. So start with a small amount of money and learn, then go for big deals.

Become a Consultant​

You can use your experience and knowledge to counsel others.

  • Anyone with skills and experience can become a consultant.
  • You might not know, but you will be surprised at the types of expertise people will pay for.

Even a YouTuber, blogger, content writer can earn money for guidance in their respective fields. You can also earn online by advising how to use social media effectively.

Many content writers I know of charge RS. 5000 per hour for their advice.

If you want to start consulting but aren’t sure what steps to take next, you can set up a free account on Clarity.fm. After registering you can create your profile. Once your profile is set up, people will book a session with you.

You can always make more money by using your experience and skills.

Surveys, Searches, and Reviews​

There are several websites and businesses which pay money for filling up surveys, carrying out online searches, and writing reviews on products.

  • There are many reputed companies to choose from like Swagbucks, Prize Rebels, which are available where you can give surveys to earn money and rewards.
  • Stick with the companies which offer you a decent number of surveys.
  • Avoid opportunities that take lots of your time and pays very less.
  • This is a fun way. You can even earn points, referrals, gift cards, using apps like step set go which pays you for walking, google opinion rewards. There are many such apps and websites available.

Swagbucks pays its users between $0.05 and $2.50 (and sometimes as much as $25 – $35). It depends on the type of survey.

Note: Be aware and stay away from scams.

Final Thoughts

There Innumerable ways on how to make money online in India. These are some of the ways which only begin to scratch the surface. Time and passion are the only things required for getting started to .

Think about it, set your goals, and take off.

The longer you not taking action, the more money you’re losing. Start today, start right away.

Become so financially secure that you forget that it’s payday.

Work smart, earn more!
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