
Halloween Party
Happy Halloween! Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Jeannie McCallum, who are one of our Friendship Families invited our international students and scholars to their home on October 31. With their warm welcome...
Gwen Harwood's Context
Post your responses here to Gwen Harwood's: a) Historical context b) Social context c) Cultural context Please cite sources you use!
Amazon Web Services (AWS) webinars from CSU Chancellor's Office
I'm pleased to share that the Chancellor's Office recently released recordings of recent webinars about how Amazon Web Services (AWS) is bei...
Gerry Doroja's Corner
Work as if you will be fired tomorrow; plan as if you will hold your job until retirement.
A day spent with TJ's Girls
May 10th: A Day Spent with TJ's Girls! Yesterday morning, TJ's girls took us to the local farmer's market. The market was filled with stand...

3 Strategi Memilih Jurusan Kuliah
Setelah ujian nasional, biasanya banyak siswa kelas 12 & alumni SMA/sederajat yang mulai berpikir untuk masuk kuliah. Tapi dalam upay...

Bristol Hip Meeting 1 - 2 December 2011
The eLearning Definition project begins!
In the context of the eLearning Definition project we aim to define the conceptual framework of e-learning with the objective of constru...

æ´»å¨åï¼æ¥ä¸ªåç§ï½ 大家å¿çåå¤ä¸â¦ On Air äºï¼ æåç«æºåå°ï¼ä½ 们太让人羡æäºï¼ ç±èªæç5Kç
Wetland Restoration: The Best Alternative to Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies?
Image from doortoriver "While widespread wetland destruction could unleash the mother of all 'carbon bombs,' scientists are discovering tha...

La Asociación de Profesionales de la Universidad de Chile (APROTEC) comunica lo siguiente. El Rector Ennio Vivaldi, convocó una mesa de t...

Sony Sedang Mengembangkan Kaset Berukuran 185 TB
Photo Rune T on Suatu waktu, magnetic tape (kaset) adalah jalan terbaik untuk mem-backup data yang ukurannya besar. P...

White Christmas; Thoughts/Review Part II featuring Spoilers Galore
Written by Chin Wye Mun, Junior 2 Cempaka, Class of 2014 [Spoilers all the way from here as I elaborate on my personal feelings about the...
Sheffield Study Tour 2013
I am starting to get into somewhat of a routine albeit still very tired, fell asleep last night at 7pm and now I'm wide awake and its 4.30 ...

Helpful Hints for Getting Your Student Through Finals
Final exams are trying; not only for the students, but also for the parents, who are there each step of the way, hoping and praying their st...
Skating :
The Skating Kit must be brought on days allotted for Skating.

Award Winners Week 6
Congratulations to Ariela and Angel for their excellent work this week. Well done!
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Power is back
Take it with a Grain of Salt... Or Not
Another element of heart healthy eating is reducing sodium intake, which may help control blood pressure (and can keep your bones strong and...
Pusat Keusahawanan Siswa
Assalamualaikum Selamat datang ke blog Pusat Keusahawanan Siswa UniKL. Blog ini akan menyalurkan segala maklumat terkini disamping laman ...
Spain: Ancient and Modern Engineering - January 2019
First-year students on this seminar will be inspired by ancient engineering of historic (Roman) sites while also learning about modern Spain...

KAIST URBAN FORUM - 인간중심 스마트시티
"2017 KAIST URBAN FORUM 인간중심 스마트시티" 가 2017년 10월 19일 오후1:30분부터 KAIST KI 빌딩(E4) 커넥트룸에서 개최됩니다. 제1부 스마트시티의 현황과 제2부 스마트시티의 주요 이슈로 구성이 되어있어 스...

Benefits of Becoming a “Green Office” For NGOs
Benefits of becoming a “green office” for NGOs The “ green office ” : In our present era environment plays a significant role in mainta...
MOHE Implementation Plan for Development of Innovative Human Capital at Tertiary Level
Assalamualaikum, Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Mesyuarat Agenda Inovasi Negara 2011 peringkat UPSI yang dihadiri ketua-ketua kumpulan Inovasi...
Comunicación: reunión de cambio de Tesis por TIF.
Aquellos estudiantes pertenecientes a los planes 2000 y 2002 de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicación tendrán la posibilidad de rea...
Students Attendance Updation System
Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Institute of Engineering and Technology (PKIET). Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Dr. R. Sathishkumar

ย้อนข่าว ‘ทุ่งปอเทือง’ เหลืองอร่ามกลาง โดยครูโรงเรียนวัดสิงห์
ปลูกพืชไถกลบเป็นปุ๋ยพืชสด โดยอ.จำรุญ ปั้นดี ครูโรงเรียนวัดสิงห์ อำเภอวัดสิงห์ จังหวัดชัยนาท ย้อนข่าวเมื่อ วันที่ 25 มกราคม 2560 โดย htt...

Tư vấn kỹ thuật đánh bóng inox
Tư vấn kỹ thuật đánh bóng inox Trong ph ần này, chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một s ố hướng dẫn 1 số kỹ t...

Student Tutor
Student tutoring at our university is one of the best programs and it makes the life of the international students much easier. Movi...


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Last Week of 2021 Sees New Space Research Kick Off
The seven-member Expedition 66 crew is going into the final week of 2021 with a host of science experiments exploring numerous space phenomena benefitting astronauts in space and humans on Earth.
A Look Back on the Year in Emergency Response | NOAA's Office of Response & Restoration Blog

Něco se nepovedlo. Návod, kam jít, když něco nefunguje - Hlídač státu
Stránka speciálně pro případy, když se v Hlídači ztratíte. Návod, kam se podívat a co by vás mohlo zajímat.

Firma convenio con BANTRAB – INACOP

Avances del Proyecto IXCHEL
El marco de ejecución del Proyecto IXCHEL con el apoyo de la Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AACID) el CENET agradece profundamente a la cooperación por la dotació…

Day Nine: Dubrovnik, Croatia
I have tried three times now to get this posted. Hopefully this time is the charm. We spent Friday, our ninth day, in Dubrovnik, the jew...
What I really learned at business school - The MBA Blog | IESE Business School
Richard Oxland, MBA Class of 2018 summarizes his learnings from his time at IESE and shares the important one - how he has grown as a person.

Terminamos un trimestre lleno de deporte - Escuela IDEO | Colegio Privado en Madrid
En Educación Física, durante las últimas semanas de este mes ¡hemos estrenado materiales nuevos! Frisbees, conos con números y letras, pelotas de diferentes texturas y unos balancines de equilibrio que nos encantan. Así a través del juego seguimos desarrollando nuestra motricidad gruesa y...

Tu mejor Navidad - Instituto Superior Nueva Visión
El día 2 de enero de 2020 los estudiantes del Técnico Superior en Enfermería, Asistente en Farmacia e Imagen Estética y Cosmetología brindaron un aporte significativo como padrinos de la actividad

Al alcance de un click: quitar el fondo de las fotos
Hola a todos los que siguen nuestra sección. Espero que este nuevo año nos traiga a todos mucha salud y prosperidad. Para comenzar el 2022 con nueva visualidad en tus fotos de las redes sociales, t

Rafael María de Mendive, la luz que guía al maestro - Noticias UPR
Rafael María de Mendive nació el 24 de octubre de 1822, la sede pedagógica de la Universidad de Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca», homenajea, con la impronta de sus cientos de egresados y maestros, el pensamiento de Mendive Por Elizabeth Colombé Frías “Y ¿cómo quiere que en algunas...

Ecuador Trip Tuesday - Wednesday 2016
TUESDAY - Tuesday was our first day of teaching and it went very well. We taught K-3rd and what an experience that was from teaching them th...
8pm shutdowns starting
We are starting our 8pm shutdown procedure. - Jason Berry
The research team of the project publishes a paper in the International Journal of Learning
Albert Sangrà, Dimitrios Vlachopoulos and Nati Cabrera publish a paper in the International Journal of Learning, presenting a part of the p...

The Path to Progress — Collaborative Conservation in Cairns
As the Australian summer set in, my internship at Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) came to a close. The heat and humidity made it difficult to be out all day monitoring mangroves an…