LinkBox: Cloud Storage [] is a cloud storage that according to the creators will "unite the world", the company provides an encrypted cloud storage where anyone can upload and transfer files, and also supports file sharing with anyone.
└ So, we want to share with you a way that will help you get 10TB of cloud storage in LinkBox, by the way, usually only users with EDU mail could get this amount of storage, but we found another way through MoneyCase that will help us.
1. Open » MoneyCase.
└ Register a new profile
2. We confirm our mail.
└ Go to your profile
3. Looking for: Get LinkBox Account.
└ Insert your mail there
4. Done, send a gift.
└ Login and password will be sent to your email
5. Now download LinkBox.
└ On iOS or Android
6. Enter your username and password.
└ Login to your LinkBox account
7. Done, use 10TB of cloud storage.