Once you exhaust the above list and want more sites, you can search them on Google. Go to Google and copy paste the following parameters.
Replace .edu with .gov and you can find .gov links. The parameters will be:
Start building backlinks from the first site. Maintain an excel sheet record of the email ids, username and passwords.
Another tool to find .gov and .edu sites are to use DropMyLink. You can create a free account and start searching for relevant web properties
BONUS: List of High Authority .Edu & .Gov Sites
It is not tough to get .edu and .gov backlinks. You can use our manual list or the search parameters or DropMyLink.com to find and build relevant backlinks. In fact, not only .gov and .edu backlinks, the DropMyLink.com resource will be your new friend to find tons of other opportunities to build backlinks.
- site: .edu
- site : .edu blog
- Site: .edu comments
- Site: .edu forums
- Site: .edu log in / create account
- Site: .edu inurl:blog
Replace .edu with .gov and you can find .gov links. The parameters will be:
- site: .gov
- site : .gov blog
- Site: .gov comments
- Site: .gov forums
- Site: .gov log in / create account
- Site: .gov inurl:blog
Start building backlinks from the first site. Maintain an excel sheet record of the email ids, username and passwords.
Another tool to find .gov and .edu sites are to use DropMyLink. You can create a free account and start searching for relevant web properties

BONUS: List of High Authority .Edu & .Gov Sites
- http://blog.lib.umn.edu
- http://blogs.elon.edu
- http://lincolnchristian.edu
- http://libfe.cshl.edu
- http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu
- http://swin.edu.au
- http://www.qub.buffalo.edu/
- http://hknpos.ecn.purdue.edu/
- http://passport.missouri.edu/
- http://access4all.ewu.edu/
- http://www.dent.ohio-state.edu/
- http://anserver1.eprsl.wustl.edu/
- http://clubs.db.erau.edu/
- http://www.qub.buffalo.edu/
- http://hknpos.ecn.purdue.edu/
- http://passport.missouri.edu/
- http://acoustics.ae.uiuc.edu/
- http://wiki.bauer.uh.edu/
- https://controls.engin.umich.edu/
- http://capitawiki.wustl.edu/
- http://wiki.jhu.edu
- http://oregonstate.edu
- http://honors.arizona.edu
- http://www.uta.edu
- http://ksdt.ucsd.edu/
- http://djclub.ucsd.edu
- http://forum.portal.edu.ro
- http://physicslearning2.colorado.edu/
- http://wiki.math.toronto.edu/
- http://chs75.chs.harvard.edu/
- https://coursewikis.fas.harvard.edu/
- http://www.hcs.harvard.edu
- http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/
- http://cyber.law.harvard.edu
- http://hulsweb1.cgr.harvard.edu/
- http://jimi.ithaca.edu/
- http://ugcs.caltech.edu/
- http://physics.mines.edu/
- http://wikid.chem.yale.edu/
- http://cses.ucsd.edu/
- http://cloud12.scranton.edu/
- http://lunar.earth.northwestern.edu/
- http://pluto.potsdam.edu/
- http://slugmath.ucsc.edu
- http://www2.algorithm.cs.sunysb.edu:8080/
- http://vrudhula.lab.asu.edu/
- http://vstudyplace.ccnmtl.columbia.edu:8090/
- https://jpss-adl-wiki.ssec.wisc.edu/
- http://wiki.centre.edu/
- http://neuroinformatics.usc.edu/
- http://www.rcmar.ucla.edu/
- https://controls.engin.umich.edu/
- http://mdietze-3.igb.uiuc.edu
- http://vw.ddns.uark.edu/
- http://wiki.eits.uga.edu/
- http://steelhead.uoregon.edu/
- http://support.uakron.edu/wiki/
- http://wiki.english.ucsb.edu/
- https://kiwi.ecn.purdue.edu/
- http://www.kaputcenter.umassd.edu/
- http://idea.uwosh.edu/
- http://libwiki.scranton.edu/
- http://math.nyu.edu
- http://robots.asu.edu/
- https://ccg.hpc.msstate.edu/
- http://metavid.ucsc.edu
- http://pluto.potsdam.edu
- http://computing.physics.cornell.edu
- http://nsl.usc.edu/
- https://computing.ece.vt.edu
- http://www.nmr2.buffalo.edu/join/
- http://support.uakron.edu
- http://do-wiki.nubic.northwestern.edu/
- http://ewb.engr.csufresno.edu
- http://cms.tacc.utexas.edu
- http://datasetwiki.bu.edu/mediawiki/
- https://apps.education.ucsb.edu
- https://dbw2.msi.umn.edu
- http://mesoscopic.mines.edu
- http://blog.lib.umn.edu
- http://blogs.elon.edu/technology
- http://libfe.cshl.edu/
- http://forum.gov-zakupki.ru/
- http://forum.loni.ucla.eduÂ
- http://forum.portal.edu.ro/
- http://forum.tcs.uj.edu.pl/
- http://forums.saa.edu
- http://forums.saa.edu/
- http://fsec.ucf.edu/
- http://ftp.itcs.tsinghua.edu.cn
- http://green.chem.cmu.edu
- http://green.chem.cmu.edu/
- http://h2o.law.harvard.edu/
- http://hlurb.gov.ph/forum/
- http://home.khjh.hc.edu.tw
- http://home.khjh.hc.edu.tw/
- http://hunstem.uhd.edu/
- http://ilab.usc.edu/Â
- http://ip.wsz.edu.pl
- http://ip.wsz.edu.pl/
- http://ipv6bbs.zju.edu.cn
- http://ipv6bbs.zju.edu.cn/
- http://itcs.tsinghua.edu.cn
- http://lc.hkbu.edu.hk/te/
- http://flyp.library.florida.gov/user/register
- http://gio.wi.gov/Home/
- http://www.rib.uscourts.gov/externalkb20
- http://community.portal.ca.gov/blog
- http://nnlm.gov
- http://leadingvoices.lipscomb.edu
- http://linux.lses.tp.edu.tw/
- http://lms.auaf.edu.af/
- http://ltrc.tnc.edu.tw
- http://ltrc.tnc.edu.tw/
- http://mydragonnet.hkis.edu.hk/
- http://notable.math.ucdavis.edu
- http://og.cs.okstate.edu/forums
- http://organizations.db.erau.edu/
- http://pluto.potsdam.edu
- http://pluto.potsdam.edu/
- http://sbs.oeiizk.edu.pl
- http://school41.edu.ruÂ
- http://school41.edu.ru/
- http://sg.mededu.miami.edu
- http://sg.mededu.miami.edu/
- http://stu.hksyu.edu/
- http://sukurs.edu.pl/forum/
- http://sweb.uky.edu
- http://sweb.uky.edu/
- http://thpt-trannguyenhan-hp.edu.vn/
- http://tps.ccit.arizona.edu
- http://tps.ccit.arizona.edu/
- http://uct.edu.vn/
- http://ufrb.edu.br/
- http://upzmg.edu.mx/
- http://wagnerpedia.wagner.edu
- https://forums.uspsoig.gov/
- http://www.aikencountysc.gov/forum
- http://community.nicic.gov/
- http://library.blogs.delaware.gov/
- http://www.calepa.ca.gov/Forums/
- http://community.sba.gov/
- http://homelessness.samhsa.gov/default.aspx
It is not tough to get .edu and .gov backlinks. You can use our manual list or the search parameters or DropMyLink.com to find and build relevant backlinks. In fact, not only .gov and .edu backlinks, the DropMyLink.com resource will be your new friend to find tons of other opportunities to build backlinks.