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Staff member
Mar 27, 2022
Summary what we gonna need:
1. Computer lol -
2. Internet lol (good one, if you want to host serious stuff)
3. Ubuntu server iso (or any other server)
4. Bunch of free, opensource software
5. Port forward
6. Ram memory you can spare/

/depends on what services u want on your server, examples to run: webserver, bootstrap, wordpress, ssh, VPN, gameserver, mumble, ts3, mail, rootkits, viruses and malware,
home-netflix like server(plex for instance), proxy, masternode cryptocurrency etc.. joking don't host scamware please....

This tutorial contain commands for Ubuntu based systems. If you choose to use Windows Server, you are on your own bro!

1. Virtualbox

sudo apt install virtualbox
or download from virtualbox.org website for windows and mac

2. Install your server
- Create new project machine by clicking NEW and give your server a name
- Allocate ram and disk memory in next window and finish setting up.
- Click Start on machine and install your Ubuntu server iso (download from official site please)
- Once installed, shut down server by typing

shutdown -h now

3. Network settings on your virtual machine
- right click on your newly created server and choose settings
- set network settings to : Bridget Adapter and make sure correct device is selected
- start server again and make sure internet is working on your server. (try to ping something)
(If not, go back and make sure bridged connection is all set and working)

4. Setting up local IP address on VM
(ifconfig has been now replaced with
IP -a
and see your local IP and remember/save this for later use in next steps when setting up ports
- make your IP static by opening this file first using nano or vi:
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
in order to make your IP static, locate "iface eth0 inet dynamic" line and change dynamic to static - note your interface name can vary.

5. Port forwarding on router:
- open your router config page and find Port Forwarding in advanced settings
- add new rule (forward port) 80 for webserver, port 22 for ssh etc. its up to you what you want to host.
make sure IP address correspond with IP address of your server and so that you are not
port forwarding your host machine or your phone by mistake, but your virtualbox server ip! (step 4)
- choose tcp or udp protocol, based on your needs. TCP more stable, UDP might be faster. why?
TCP will accept only verified packets and is waiting for confirmation whether UDP does not wait for packet verification which results in faster connection, but also higher amount of packet loss which might result in lags.

6. Firewall
- install firewall on your server and open needed ports as well in firewall
- www.canyouseeme.org - verify your ports are open


If not:

- Create account on noip.com (you can use mailinator or others but
they are most likely blocked and not going to work with noip.com, so try more of them or use your personal email for this) and point your free subdomain (or buy domain) to your server by providing your server public IP.
- Follow NOIP instructions on installing their software or modify DNS, so that NOIP will detect when your IP change and will update your settings for your subdomain/domain automatically, resulting 100% uptime for your server no matter when your IP changes.
- As a result, you can now visit domain name you set earlier and access your server from outside world even with dynamic IP!
If you decide to buy proper domain later,
just delete current subdomain and add new one and point it to your server IP.

If you have any questions, I will gladly answer. This is my own tutorial written for personal use when I was setting up a lot of servers with my mates so they could catch up but it might be useful for others too. Hope it helps, cheers!